User talk:Docosong

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Welcome to Wikimedia Commons, Docosong!

-- 09:01, 24 January 2012 (UTC)

Càrrega ANC


Estic treballant en un codi per carregar massivament les fotografies lliures de l'ANC (Commons:Wikiproject Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya). Si en vas penjant a mà (està bé), estaria bé que posessis el número d'inventari (ja ho fas) i la plantilla {{Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya}} per tal que sigui més fàcil no generar duplicats.

També t'animo a apuntar al llistat, si detectes algun autor de l'ANC que no tingui controlat. KRLS (talk) 07:47, 24 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Bon dia @KRLS, si de tant en tant, carrego algunes imatges de l'ANC, especialment la col·lecció de l'Antoni Esplugas. Abans, quan he carregat algunes fotografies de la María Tubau (Category:Photographs of María Tubau by Antoni Esplugas i Puig) he vist una categoria oculta de Category:Images from Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya. Ja he vist que l'has creat però desconeixia el projecte. Entenc que seguirà la mateixa pauta que Commons:Wikiproject Memòria Digital de Catalunya.
En les imatges he respectat les dades originals i he començat a inserir la plantilla que demanaves. L'únic problema que pot haver-hi és el nom del fitxer, normalment faig servir el títol formal + codi inventari. Per altra banda, hi ha la tendència, una mica discutida i interpretable, de carregar imatges aplicant el criteri de merament fotografies sobretot en el cas de Josep Brangulí (1879-1945), per exemple, File:Salt de natació ANC1-42-N-20091.jpg.
Aprofitant l'avinentesa, et deixo dues propostes de viquiprojectes futurs: BCNROC (conté moltes imatges allibarades) i Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona (mateix cas que l'ANC). Salut! Docosong (talk) 09:20, 24 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
El projecte l'estic iniciant ara i sí, serà igual que MDC. El format del títol, no pateixis, ja les casarem d'alguna manera. A mi se'm fa difícil considerar meres fotografies les fotografies d'un fotoperiodista. Si més no, les fotografies de'n Brangulí cauen en domini públic en res. Per exemple, les del BCNROC sobre edificis, sí que em semblen meres fotografies, perquè tenen un interès més documental que artístic. Sobre aquests dos catàlegs els tinc en el radar. En el cas del BCNROC vaig considerar que no n'hi havia gaires fotografies lliures i en el cas de l'Arxiu Municipal de Barcelona, el tinc apuntat al meu perfil d'usuari com a TODO. Com abans, si penges imatges afegeixis les seves corresponents plantilles i cat (Images from... i Institution:...), perquè després siguin més traçables. Potser l'arxiu fotogràfic el marcaria com a Arxiu Municipal de Barcelona. KRLS (talk) 06:40, 26 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Football seasons


I saw you created categories including Category:Matches of FC Barcelona Femení in 2024, but these are not helpful because Liga F and Women's Champions League are winter leagues. That is, they run 2023-24 and 2024-25, not just in 2024 - and not all matches in 2024 relate to the same season. Kingsif (talk) 05:23, 29 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Hello @Kingsif, I have not categorized the matches by seasons but by years because that is how it is normally done in Commons, see Category:Matches of Liverpool FC, Category:Matches of Manchester City FC or Category:Matches of association football clubs by year. On the other hand, it is advisable to discuss it first with the editor and reach a consensus, before doing the redirection as you have done, see meta:Consensus. Regards.-- Docosong (talk) 07:33, 29 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]
On the contrary, making categories from scratch there is no status quo and so it is not necessary to ask before acting in good faith to improve the categories. People like to bring up consensus all the time when someone changes something they liked, even though all guidelines on consensus gathering typically note that it is for things that have already proved/are likely to prove subject to debate or controversy. The thoughts on BOLD reflect the natural instinct for editors to make corrective moves - and note I did leave a polite message to explain for you - when they see the need for them. If somebody disagrees with such correction or presumed correction, it is then generally up to them to question it.
So are you trying to say that consensus exists to have calendar year categories always, and so it is not allowed to create season-based categories unless the overall consensus is challenged? If not, I think all you can do is say that you followed other examples but there is nothing to prevent the categories being changed if a better option exists. Of course, a better option really might be outright deletion - before making such categories, I would first have questioned if it was even necessary, as there are not that many matches of Barcelona Femení on Commons to require multiple levels of categorisation. Kingsif (talk) 20:46, 29 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Kingsif I see your point and probably you are right, but I prefer to categorize by year like the previous examples. I don't think it's a bad thing, and yet seasons and years are complementary. Feel free to categorize by seasons. Greetings.-- Docosong (talk) 20:56, 29 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the reply, it'd be good to have a discussion if you think they still need any year-based categorisation (honestly, redirects are cheap so it's easier than deleting unnecessary ones). We should avoid duplicate categories and empty shells, though, so there's going to need to be some clean-up. I've moved all the individual match categories back to Category:Matches of FC Barcelona Femení (there's 23 matches) while looking at the different layers of new categories. Kingsif (talk) 21:01, 29 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • I now see you have tried to change redirects, not very cleanly. So I will be firmer on my message from above: you are wrong to think that people have to ask your permission to improve things when they see something has been newly added and not optimum. You should also not immediately decide that any changes to things you have made are wrong just because you weren't asked about it, and then undo them. Especially when you are not skilled in categorising enough to do it cleanly, leaving empty categories, empty redirects, and files/categories spread across categories or left buried in multi-level categorisation that was unnecessary in the first place. I encourage you to get some more experience in when multi-level categories are necessary, and in how editors actually discuss things, before doing any more of this kind of thing. Kingsif (talk) 20:52, 29 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • You have refused to participate in discussion, and made disputed edits again. Do not repeat this. I don't care what you prefer, if someone has challenged it, you should try to engage with discussion, explain yourself, and come to a solution instead of completely checking out. I'll ask one last time for you to please provide some explanation for 1. your decision to diffuse categorisation for something that didn't need it in the first place (especially when your decision is two new layers of category tree to unnecessarily bury a handful of items, requiring FIVE clicks from the main category instead of two) and, 2. beyond 'I like it' and 'other people do it', explain why you think a categorisation system that is unlike the real-world categorisation of the items should be used. Kingsif (talk) 01:24, 10 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]